Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Why the Ostrich Can't Fly English Moral Story - 3D Animated Bedtime Stories for Kids

Why the Ostrich Can't Fly English Moral Story - 3D Animated Bedtime Stories for Kids | Stories of the Forest. #AnimalsStories for kids, Stories of the Forest is an animated series featuring quirky animals and interesting #KidsStories and #3dAnimationStories. Hope you love it! #BedtimeStories Once in the forest, the birds were considered to be the luckiest animals in the kingdom. King Lion found them very useful because they could sing, some could make beautiful noises. The parrot was particularly useful to King Lion because he could remember things that had happened a long time ago. Any time King Lion wanted to remember something important from the past, he would call on Parrot. Every other bird was useful in one way or the other. This made some of the animals very jealous and angry. They began to say, “why are birds holding very important positions in our kingdom today, whereas we bigger and able animals are following them as they lead.” The other animals all shouted (with indistinct chatters), “we can't take it any longer… this must come to an end… .they must all die….we ought to be the ones ruling in this kingdom.” So, they began to plan how they will stop the birds from holding important positions in the kingdom and how they would take over the birds in the kingdom. Goat said, “let us go to their houses when they are asleep at night, and let us kill them with their families while they sleep.” Snake said, “the king will suspect that they were all murdered. Let us kill them one after the other so their death will look natural.” The tortoise was in that meeting, and Tortoise was a good friend of Eagle. After the meeting, Tortoise rushed to Eagle's house and said to Eagle, “My friend, all the animals in the kingdom are jealous of you and the other birds. They plan to kill you one after the other. Please run away my friend.” Then Tortoise went back to his house. The next day, Eagle called for a meeting with all the other birds to discuss how they would escape death. All the birds quickly gathered together, but Ostrich said, “I am bigger than these other birds, it is an insult for me to be in the midst of the other birds.” Ostrich did not attend the meeting. During the meeting, Eagle said, “Tortoise told me that all the animals want to kill us. So we have to run away. My parents told me before they died that we birds can fly with our wings. I have kept this a secret and it must remain a secret between us. No other animal must know of this.” All the birds agreed. They tried to fly with their wings and they were able to fly. They were very happy and flew away to high places where the other animals could not find them. Only Ostrich was left behind and he never learned how to fly again because no other bird told him the secret. Moral Lesson: Proud people always lose important information that may cost them a lot.

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